The founder’s inner dialogue : Should I invest in branding?



Why investing in branding is a necessary but passive asset that will give you the advantage in the long run.

Many times I’ve talked to business owners, or founders, that understand the need for building their brand strategy, and brand identity. Their approach to this investment varies depending on how fast of a return they expect on their investment.

While investing in logo development, photography and other collaterals may seem the fastest way to develop your brand. There are many strategic steps and visual discoveries that a brand strategy and brand development will give you from the start. From a business perspective on how to move forward on possible scenarios that you might have overlooked in the process. To communicating with your key audience and keeping your brand relevant in the long run.

A passive asset like branding is something that grows in value with time, through the right customer engagement, the correct positioning and a place in the top of mind of your customer.

Social media, Google Ads, SEO, and Website development are only collaterals that speak about the brand itself and potentialize it. You will get a fast return on Data!. But without branding, their effect on these powerful tools will be diluted.

If we talk about branding being an investment, time will also determine the value of your brand. There are key factors that grow your brand in time, such as audiences, products, and relevance. But the right assessment of this subject at the right time will save you money and time.

Regardless of when you make your decision, this is an investment that every company should take in account during their process to grow. Granted, developing a brand strategy and a brand identity takes at least 3 months of your calendar.

But if you think about it Google, Coca-cola, Nike, Mercedez and Chanel didn’t do it from a day to another, and let’s be honest. Neither will you.


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